Welcome to Digital Technology in Sancta Maria College!


Mr. M Glasse - Head of Department

Mrs. J Caudy

Course Content

Digital Technologies (DTG) describes the study of technologies that are used to process, gather, distribute or communicate information. It involves such technologies as computers, software, video and digital cameras, phones, faxes, internet etc..

The purpose of teaching DTG is not about creating competent users of technology but creating competent creators of new technologies.

At Sancta Maria College DTG is taught as a subject from year 9 to year 13 and is incorporated into teaching and learning in years 7 and 8. Digital Technologies is part of the Technology Curriculum area and shares the aims and achievement objectives. Therefore, most of the units taught are based on the Technology curriculum and follow the technological process.

A picture of me in DTG

All information above was taken from http://www.sanctamaria.school.nz/. I do not claim the above information as my own nor do I claim the sentance structure created above.